14 - The Union of Monica and the Unknowns Part 1

2 years ago

The Unknowns are very excited to have the Podmother herself, Monica Perez, on the show this week. We planned to talk conspiracies with her, but as it turns out she no longer thinks of herself as a conspiracy theorist; because surely all the evil plans of the oligarchs must be completely obvious to everyone by now?
We discuss her favourite conspiracy theory, that of possible dinosaur fakery, and the similarity of palaeontology to other possibly dubious areas of science such as virology, with their large leaps of deduction from the slimmest of evidence. Our own knowledge must be channelled solely from the priests of the electron microscope and the model makers.
There follows some talk on whether it might be better for our children to be blue pilled and ignorant, rather than red pilled and sceptical of practically everything and everyone. Though the blue pill route was maybe never open to those of us who like to question everything and challenge authority - which includes pretty much everyone on this podcast.
We touch on the big conspiracies of 9/11 and possible Apollo fakery (Keel's scepticism notwithstanding) and wonder how it is that the BBC preserved old newsreel tapes, when apparently all the Apollo recordings have been overwritten. Perhaps they taped over them with some good episodes of Dr Who?
Important discoveries we make in this episode are that Monica is an excellent liar (even when challenged by police about her obviously fake ID), and that she thinks that men should celebrate women's ability to create brand new human life by propping them on comfortable pillows, whilst plying them with grapes and chocolate. Just the grapes for Toons though who only gets partway there with his ability to create new chicken life from corn.
Look out for part 2 of this epic encounter!

Unknowns featured this week: Jackye, Terry, Keel, Stella, Bruce, Toons and featuring special guest Known, Monica Perez.

Useful links:
You Are Loved Store - Jackye’s online shop: "Their goal is to spread love and kindness throughout the world through every day and specialty items".
The Propaganda Report, with Brad Binkley and Monica Perez - our founding father and mother, and the hosts of great and informative podcasts.
The Union of the Unwanted— freewheeling discussions between an ever-changing group of like-minded podcasters; the inspiration for our format and name.
Massimo Mazzucco´s Documentaries on the Apollo moon landing (American Moon) and 9/11 (The New Pearl Harbor).

We don’t really do social media as individuals: we are Unknowns after all. But you can contact our group via:
Twitter - @UnionUnknowns;
Email — unionoftheunknowns@gmail.com;
Phone - 404-482-3130
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