My Special Girl - A music video about human trafficking.

2 years ago

Human Trafficking is a $150 billion dollar a year business. It can be stopped.

My Special Girl
words and music by Neal Fox

She was 13 when her childhood would end
Only 13 when the curtain fell on that day
In her mind, she only needed a friend
She was loved, though she never saw it that way

Most days were not so happy for her
Problems her parents wouldn't understand
They hoped that things would be as they were
Before the situation got out of hand


You're my girl
My Special Girl
I'll protect and comfort you
My Special Girl

The answer came like a flash on that day
At 13 she'd leave all the pain behind
At 13 she could at least run away
At 13 that was all she had on her mind

He said, "Hey girl. Do you need a place you can stay?"
"You look lonely. Let me wipe the tears from your eyes."
He knew all the right things to say
At 13 she could only fantasize

All she thought was she'd begin anew
Unaware he was cold as ice
At 13 she didn't have the vaguest clue
At 13 he could raise the market price

Her parents never gave up the dream
For years they kept searching for their only child
No matter how hopeless the future might have seemed
They prayed somehow she was still alive

And one day despite fear and threat
There came a tip from an anonymous friend
They found her beaten and abused and filled with regret
But they found her. — Now she was home again

© 2018, Foxalot Music — BMI

© 2018, Foxalot Music — BMI
© 2018, Neal Fox

#HumanTrafficking, #HumanRights, #Pedophilia, #Slavery,

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