Fact-checked CNN election misinformation story in Gillespie County TX

2 years ago

I'm fact checking, several lies CNN made in a fake news story they aired about Gillespie County TX. Left wing media outlets often spread misinformation by gaslighting and cutting up stories by telling half truths or leaving out major facts in the stories to deliberitely mis-lead the american public.

CNN fake news story we fact checked:

"ICE Secure Docket Card program bill -FY 2023 appropriations bill.


Goverment plans to give Ids to unauthorized illegal immigrants

Poll watchers denied entry into gillespie county election, Anissa Herrera, Elections Administrator was contacted by the secretary of state and told several times that blocking poll watchers is a class a misdemeanor and that a criminal investigation was filed againster which is why she really resigned.

Election tabulating equipment was tested before the Republican primary election with no results or evidence of non tampering

Irregularities continue in these counties with voting machines tabulating 401 more ballots then expected compared to the ballot books.

law states we have election day not seasons

Unsupervised voting (vote by mail) is generally incompatible with election integrity.

I report under the alias of "whiteydiary" for fear of being attacked by the left.

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