International wide election fraud network - Arizona 2022 midterm theft

1 year ago

gov race 1.2 and 1.2 ( havn't done the additional 1% fake ballot dump and corrosponding win margin vid for that race yet ) attorney 1.2 and 1.2 . senate 1.3 and 1.1 and sec of state 1. 3 and 1.1. . 100k more for dem and 100k less for gop , drop box 3, 1 in 5 equals 100k of vote. 'flipping' strange that isnt it .........
you had 7% of votes removed from 2.4 million which is 124,800 vote and a further 1% at 24k making 148,800 total and the difference stated in the article is 291k so logically speaking 143k where turned away or gave up or told to go elsewhere without check out being done so that they coudnt

International wide election fraud network - Arizona 2022 midterm theft
Video starts off with wide angle shot to demonstrate that zoomed in sections are from the screen recording of the recorded election crimes being committed. Starts at 75% votes counted, Nov 10, 2022, around time zone adjusted 9.45 pm local Arizona time. At 9.54 pm local Arizona time the grand tally votes counted jumps from 75% to 82% without a single vote being added. That is 7% of the vote not counted or 7 points which is probably consistent with the above gateway pundit article stating that votes were being stuffed in without even being counted. Also, consistent is the ratio stated of only one in ten votes being accepted as the stated on the day real voting was stated by lake as 87% republican or roughly 9-1. I think that you can guess which of the 1 in 10 was actually being counted. By my rough off the cuff calculation that is about 230k republican voters with other factors that have just been criminally defrauded and had their basic human rights stripped away from them. Also consistent with 200k frauds in 2022 audit. It is also consistent with the Kari Lake stated analysis figure of a 7 point lead which has been stolen creating the fake fallacy 'dead heat' that the fake fallacy propaganda media have been vomiting forth from their anus. This crime was committed in (And you may want to sit down for this one because I am just absolutely sure that you are going to be ever so surprised. ) Maricopa county. As you can see from the vid Maricopa tally is also jumped with zero votes added (removed) and that added number was stolen 88% to 81% from Cochise county without votes changing that Mike lindell mentioned on tv. That is probably also consistent with the IP address logged that he mentioned. I think I can see why they did that, and it is fairly obvious isnt it. Maricopa county holds the majority of all the votes and if you just simply steal 7 points worth you will end up with a grand tally score of 93% instead of a 100% at the end of the race and your crime would be instantly obvious. But if you 'cook the books' as mob boss accountants say and take the number from a small vote level county like cochise it will barely make a percentage mark on the overall grand tally percentage in the computer's calculations. (7% of 23k instead of 2.3 million voters). I was flicking between races, so I missed the actual event of percentage removed (meaning fake ballots added bringing the percentage of votes counted down ). When I came back to it the reduction was 82% to 78% but not all pages refresh at the same time and as you can see from the earlier time stamp on the Arizona senate race it had been reduced to 77% which is a fake ballot addition of 5 points. And it is in no way whatsoever a coincidence that 5 points is what they have won races by so far in races like Finchem sec of state and Blake master's race. A rough off the cuff calculation of the 5 point fake ballot addition means another 115k republican voters have just had their votes cancelled out and nullified and have been defrauded and had their basic human rights stripped away from them. Add that 115k to the 230k previously mentioned and you get 345k which is fairly consistent with the 351k mentioned in the gateway pundit article above. Also, consistent is the setting to light for printers mentioned in the article at the bottom. As in cheap thin nasty ass knock off Chinese paper printed fake ballots to be scanned whilst rejecting valid ones.

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