When you are told that cats are deceitful | 当你被告知猫很狡猾时|當你被告知貓很狡猾時

2 years ago

In this video above, we can note new evidence that shows that cats are very deceitful and very clever. Indeed, a person filmed his cat in full act of theft! While a plate was placed on a table with leftover food in it, a small paw comes to slip on the table and tries to grab what it can on the plate.

After a few seconds a claw clings to a nugget. Mission accomplished for this cat who must have thought he had been as discreet as possible!


在上面的这段视频中,我们可以注意到新的证据表明猫非常狡猾而且非常聪明。 确实,有人拍摄了他的猫完全盗窃的行为! 当一个盘子放在桌子上时,里面有剩余的食物,一只小爪子滑到桌子上,试图抓住盘子上的东西。

几秒钟后,一只爪子抓住了一块金块。 为这只猫完成了任务,他一定认为自己已经尽可能谨慎了!


在上面的這段視頻中,我們可以注意到新的證據表明貓非常狡猾而且非常聰明。 確實,有人拍攝了他的貓完全盜竊的行為! 當一個盤子放在桌子上時,裡面有剩餘的食物,一隻小爪子滑到桌子上,試圖抓住盤子上的東西。

幾秒鐘後,一隻爪子抓住了一塊金塊。 為這隻貓完成了任務,他一定認為自己已經盡可能謹慎了!

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