“日本醫學專家公開訊息”_新冠疫苗實驗針劑接種者,正參與人類歷史上最大的“賭博性實驗”!輝瑞藥廠說 實驗到2023年,現在還處於試驗收集數據中…“接種內容不同”,“結果”自然不同

2 years ago

宮城正照(Miyagi Masateru)醫生:


(英文原文)Dr. Miyagi Masateru from Okinawa, Japan: The COVID-19 vaccine will still be in the stage of data collection in trials until 2023, so the trials will require various types of comparative analysis. Of course, the test subjects are all vaccine recipients, so the components of each batch of the COVID-19 vaccine are It should be different. There are physiological saline and mRNA vaccine substances with different concentrations. This is the essence of the test. That's why everyone responds so differently after being vaccinated against COVID-19. We are the guinea pig gambling in this world-class experiment.

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