20221113 The 9/11 WarRoom

2 years ago

Gene opened with 9/11 News, the focus of which was the declassification of the Bush/Cheney interview for the 9/11 Commission - the one where they testified together, behind closed doors, not under oath. The articles can be found here:


And here: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/dramatic-details-released-bush-cheney-dealing-911-attacks/story?id=93083567

We also discussed the 9/11 Families' Steering Committee (https://www.911independentcommission.org/) and the 168 questions they had, of which the Commission barely answered 20%. The questions to the 9/11 Commission with ratings of its performance in providing answers were compiled by Mindy Kleinberg and Lori Van Auken: https://911truth.org/downloads/Family_Steering_Cmte_review_of_Report.pdf
Their documentary, Press for Truth, can be found here: https://rumble.com/v1varc8-911-press-for-truth-2006-documentary-extended-version-with-dvd-bonuses.html

Al continues to reach out to the anti-war advocates, and shared a magazine called The Power of Protest that lists names of people we could get in touch with. We're also hoping the Lawyers' Committee will draft and/or OK a letter (could be written by Charlotte Dennett or Bruce Leighty) for us to reach out to lawyers as well, in part to recruit help but mostly to raise funds for the LC. It was suggested we could also target the Forbes Fortune 500 because we don't know which one of them may want to (possibly anonymously) get behind the legal initiative. Susan is looking for alternatives to paypal as an option to donate to the LC.

For those who don't know, the Lawyers’ Committee filed a petition for Writ of Certiorari with the Supreme Court on November 3, 2022: http://911Lawyers.org/supremecourt

We spoke about the technicalities that would have been involved in actually bringing down the towers, some of which was covered in Andy Steel's interview with Jonathan Cole, who himself refers to a presentation by Gordon Ross.

Part 1: Motion | Jonathan Cole, PE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClIs3tjg6zo
Part 2: Temperature | Jonathan Cole, PE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wL7cBX3TGg
Gordon Ross: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFLC96wHx8k

Finally, Gene shared some of the graffiti he did (on legal walls!) while visiting Sandra in Montreal (pix attached), and also shared his harrowing experience of crossing the border into Canada.

Joining the call were Cayle Littlechief, Sean Nagel, Myles Flaig, Josef Princiotta, Susan Serpa, Ray Kraaijenhagen, Ross Muir, Mike Zarzano, Al Magaletta and Lawrence Fine.

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