Hal Mayer: (1/7) How Much Power Does The Pope Have?-Papal Plans For Global Control

2 years ago

How much power does the Pope have? As nations struggle to regain a sure footing with each new wave of calamities, could it be that these crises have blinded us to an even greater global emergency? Bible prophecy tells of a one-world government under the control of a single religious/political power at the end of time. Is Pope Francis at work to bring the world under papal control?

The papal visit to America in 2015 was a bold political statement. How is Pope Francis using the climate change debate to further his agenda? Find out how establishing himself as the world’s moral authority is a step toward world control for the Pope.
The times we are living in are compelling. As we near the close of probation, we have front row seats to watch the unfolding drama of prophecy being fulfilled. Globalized worship requires global governance: global political order, global economic system, global educational system and a global enforcement mechanism. Globalism is an essential goal for global worship laws. “Internationalists” is another term. Rome aims to promote global socialism and eliminate the middle class in their objective of achieving universal agreement. Hal Mayer investigates how the pope and the new world order are connected and working under the guise of these, seemingly beneficial, global objectives.
Amazing Discovery

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