BLOODBORNE | Pt. 7: "Yahar'gul, Unseen Village"! THIS PLACE IS CREEPY, DUDE. (PS5 Gameplay)

2 years ago

BLOODBORNE! It's a bit odd. Some might say 'endearingly eclectic', or 'amusingly quirky', or 'significantly abnormal', or 'downright bizarre', or 'omg what is this I can't even'. Kind of like me!

So here's the thing.

Everything up until now- that was the relatively boring part. The 'tutorial of weirdness', if you will.

This is when things start to get *really* weird and Kyle might get a bit freaked out.

TONIGHT... we visit a place called "Yahar'gul".

It is a bad place.

There is nothing funny about it whatsoever and I have yet to meet a single pirate.

Also, it's filled with Eldritch Cosmic abominations and I'm probably going to die alot and it's going to horrible. For me. It'll be hilarious for everyone else.

THEN, after I get out of that freaking horrible place and fight THE WORST boss ever, "The One Reborn" (don't ask... just don't...)- COOP CHALICE DUNGEONS w/ Friends! We venture yet deeper into the Abyss, to the Depth 3 Lower Pthumerian Labyrinth- and possibly even further, into Ailing Loran, a land long since ravaged and destroyed by the Scourge of Beasts.

TONIGHT... on "Kyle Plays the Video Games"!

Let us cleanse these foul streets!
@Nova Rebirth @Jacen Solo @ShadowSword games @Lil Bunny Gamer

#Bloodborne #PS5Live #Gaming #LetsPlay #PS5

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