2 years ago

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Thank you all for your support and donations...A'Ho!




full transmissions and transcriptions: https://primedisclosure.com/timeline-shift/


Thank you very much for the donation from Sheila Sempek and Ruby Lopez

Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Courageous Lion Kingdom of our New Jerusalem on Earth

We are in the midst of a massive timeline shift and Quantum Leap of Consciousness. We are merging, jumping and aligning multiple timelines daily for the final emergence of the One True Ascension Timeline for our full Supernova Breakthrough Zero Point and into the Light.

As Mother Earth continues to get flooded with Gamma Plasma Waves of higher resonance we experienced a major white wave and spike on the Schumann charts today at an amplitude of 42 hz. Fifth Dimensional energetics flowing in. We are experiencing many time overlaps, dilations, anomalies and bleed throughs in the physical manifestation and in the astral and dream realms. We are rebirthing, remembering and reintegrating all that was lost in the programs of false projections. 

We have come to find today the powerful m6.2 earthquake off the Coast of Chile, South America yesterday evening at 2:24 UTC the epicenter was very specifically located at latitude 37 and longitude 73, very clearly the Great Spirit encoded this activation with our 37 into the 73 Code of Heaven on Earth. We truly are a hair's width away from our full New Earth manifestation. As we reach the 12th hour we make that final step which is our total Quantum Leap of Faith into the Unknown of Eternity while staying grounded in this Present moment in the space time continuum.

Through the shadow work and the dark nights of the soul we are bringing back to our physical and energy bodies the fragmented pieces of our holistic space suits. We are holding the Sacred Space as we keep the light and continue to anchor in the Highest Love and Light into the Elysium Field of the Akash of Gaia. As we face the dark and open our hearts and minds in our infinite potentialities we use our Pure Imaginations to Co-Create the Heaven on Earth which is our Divine Birthrights. The best is yet to come as our Holy Kingdom of God is at hand.

As we merge the unconscious with the conscious, the physical with the non-physical, emptiness with form we flow into Divine Union both within and without, for the internal mirrors the external and the external mirrors the internal and we come into the Hieros Gamos as the Eagle flies with the Condor, Shakti dances with Shiva.

In these final days of the old false world of suffering and separation we ask you to keep holding the light, hold the line in the sands of time and stay anchored into the Crystalline core of Pachamama as our Ascension now accelerates to Goddess Speed. The downward flow of water, the path of least resistance is the quick quick Path. Allow the Holy Waters to carry you directly to Source as you awaken from the Dream Realm to that which is Real, beyond all illusions and delusions of Maya.

Shalom in the Covenant of Light....A'Ho!


Magical, Schumann Resonance, Ascended Master, Rainbow Warrior, Lemuria, Sisterhood of the Rose, Wayshowers, Lord Ashtar, Shiva, Shakti, Saint Germain, Pleiades, Freedom, Transformation, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event, Great Awakening, I Am, Love, New Earth, Starseed, Omega, Eagle and Condor, Hieros Gamos, Gaia, Alchemy, Divine Feminine, Paul White Gold Eagle, Quantum Leap, Enoch, Shaman, Revelation, Ascension, Source , Arcturus , Arcturians , Bodhisattva , Ascension, Music of the Spheres, Power, Purification, Rose Heart Activation, Galactic Center , Prime Disclosure, Solar Flash, Timeline Shift, fifth dimension, ascension


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