We LOVE to HATE Brie Larson! SimpCast with Hotep Jesus, Chrissie Mayr, Brittany Venti, LeeAnn, Lila

2 years ago

SimpCast explains to Hotep Jesus why it's so easy to hate Brie Larson!
The Hollywood A-list Actress has appeared in some of the biggest blockbusters in the past decade, including her recurring role as Captain Marvel in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films (MCU), Avengers End Game, The Marvels, and Captain Marvel. She also gained prestige in the indie hit Scott Pilgrim Vs The World which starred Michael Cera as the titular graphic novel character come to life. Larson also starred in Room (2015) and Glass Castle.

#brielarson #simpcast #chrissiemayr

From Simpcast 42. SimpCast stars Chrissie Mayr, LeeAnn Star, Brittany Venti, Lila Hart, Forest Mommy and special guest Hotep Jesus

Clipped by Gross John.

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