Gary E Stevenson | Nourishing and Bearing Your Testimony | October 2022 General Conference

2 years ago

Nourishing and Bearing Your Testimony
By Elder Gary E. Stevenson

Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

I invite you to seek opportunities to bear your testimony in word and in deed.

Defining moments in life come often and unexpectedly, even when you are still young. Allow me to share a story about a high school student, Kevin, chosen to travel out of state for a student leader event, as told in his own words.

“My turn in line came, and the official-looking registration clerk asked for my name. She looked at her list and said, ‘So you’re the young man from Utah.’

“‘You mean I’m the only one?’ I asked.

“‘Yes, the only one.’ She handed me my name tag with ‘Utah’ printed below my name. As I clipped it on, I felt like I was being branded.

“I crowded into the hotel elevator with five other high school students with name tags like mine. ‘Hey, you’re from Utah. Are you a Mormon?’ asked one student.

“I felt out of place with all these student leaders from all over the country. ‘Yes,’ I hesitantly admitted.

“‘You’re the guys who believe in Joseph Smith, who said he saw angels. You don’t actually believe that, do you?’

“I didn’t know what to say. The students in the elevator were all staring at me. I had just arrived, and already everyone thought I was different. I became a little defensive but then said, ‘I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.’

“‘Where had that come from?’ I wondered. I didn’t know I had it in me. But the words felt true.

“‘Yeah, I was told that you were all just religious nuts,’ he said.

“With that, there was an uncomfortable pause as the elevator door opened. As we gathered our luggage, he walked down the hall laughing.

“Then, a voice behind me asked, ‘Hey, don’t Mormons have some sort of another Bible?’

“Oh no. Not again. I turned to see another student who had been in the elevator with me, Christopher.

“‘It’s called the Book of Mormon,’ I said, wanting to drop the subject. I picked up my bags and started walking down the hall.

“‘Is that the book Joseph Smith translated?’ he asked.

“‘Yeah, it is,’ I answered. I kept on walking, hoping to avoid embarrassment.

“‘Well, do you know how I could get one?’

“A scripture I learned in seminary suddenly came to me. ‘I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.’1 As this entered my mind, I felt ashamed I had been so embarrassed.

“For the rest of the week that scripture wouldn’t leave me. I answered as many questions about the Church as I could, and I made many friends.

“I discovered I was proud of my religion.

“I gave Christopher a Book of Mormon. He later wrote me, telling me he had invited the missionaries to his home.

“I learned not to be embarrassed to share my testimony.”2

I am inspired by Kevin’s courage in sharing his testimony. It is a courage repeated every day by faithful members of the Church throughout the world. As I share my thoughts, I invite you to reflect upon these four questions:

Do I know and understand what a testimony is?

Do I know how to bear my testimony?

What are the obstacles in sharing my testimony?

How do I keep my testimony?

Do I Know and Understand What a Testimony Is?
Your testimony is a most precious possession, often associated with deep spiritual feelings. These feelings are usually communicated quietly and described as a “still small voice.”3 It is your belief or knowledge of truth given as a spiritual witness through the influence of the Holy Ghost. Acquiring this witness will change what you say and how you act. Key elements of your testimony, confirmed by the Holy Ghost, include:

God is your Heavenly Father; you are His child. He loves you.

Jesus Christ lives. He is the Son of the living God and your Savior and Redeemer.

Joseph Smith is a prophet of God called to restore the Church of Jesus Christ.

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