'Paul McCartney' on 12-19 Nov., 1966 with Mal Evans in France, Spain & Kenya - The Beatles

2 years ago

59 views Oct 15, 2022
Jan 7, 2022

'The Beatles - Paul McCartney on Safari Home Movies, November 1966'

1. 'McCartney instructs Evans to meet him on Nov. 12th in a certain Bordoux, France Town Square.
2. The pair then drive to Spain in McCartney's car.
3. By the 14th McCartney, in Spain now, has phoned Nems to book a 'safari' tour for them in Kenya.
4. Someone else then drives the McCartney car back to England and the pair fly to Kenya.
5. McCartney & Evans arrive back at London Airport on Nov. 19, a photo caption of them says.

'Source' is an online McCartney 'diary' page.

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