Wakanda Forever is the Godfather Sequel You Didn't Know You Needed, According to a Marvel Executive!

2 years ago

Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has concluded on a HISTORIC note... whatever. This movie, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, made a lot of money, not as much as the original, but a ton nonetheless. But I bet you didn't know that it drew inspiration from another fellow classic?

According to Marvel Executive Nate Moore, there are similarities between this grief-bating, race-baiting sequel and arguably the greatest film ever, The Godfather. These people are delusional and you deserve to see the franchise giants before you built crumble under your childish idiocy.

CNN Business: https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/13/media/black-panther-wankanda-forever-box-office/index.html
MSN: https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/marvel-exec-says-black-panther-wakanda-forever-is-like-the-godfather/ar-AA12XNsZ?cvid=1e613b6efb274b929d4a56f42708fb1d#image=1

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#WakandaForever #BlackPanther #TheGodfather

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