[Q POSTS 150 -NOV 13- 2017]

2 years ago

[Nov 13 2017 13:04:46 (EST)
Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.
[LdR]=Lynn de Rothschild https://twitter.com/LdeRothschild/status/929607718939238400

Lynn de R is a friend of HRC and board member of McCain Institute. Could also be Lord de Rothschild.
Plane / Helicopter crash at Rothschild Manor 11/17 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/11/17/aylesbury-mid-air-crash-fatalities-feared-afteraircraft-helicopter/

How do you capture a very dangerous animal?
Don't corner it. Back off, let it relax, let it think it has an escape route, then net it as it runs for freedom.


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