Praise YHWH - Master of Post Masters Part 2

2 years ago

In the days where Knowledge is wealth, the people deserve hope, my brothers, sisters, and mothers, should not be charged for wealth of knowledge. Don't hang onto the rope.Wouldn't you agree, that it's about high tide in time we put an end to the charging bulls, and dismiss the reign of the snakes soliciting fees, and offering your pockets up for donations so they can live clear. STOP paying people to help you. question everything, question your teachers and question their methods, question me and don't trust me, Trust in the father and the spirit to lead. Do your own research, Don't just take my word for it, Start your administrative process, and get yourself in the mind of self-governing your life, be your own government as intended. STOP relying on others to do the work for YOU, it's time You took a hold of your life and hold the foot of the enemy too the fire, and hold them accountable, Do your own accounting and be the law of the land governed by the scriptures, ruled by your mind, following the code of the renewed covenant, under the policy of love, idoling no statutes. Aren't you tired of waiting on man, Praise our Creator.

Federal - an oath to GOD
Government - to rule one's mind

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