Balancing/connecting with your inner world: Inner Child, Body Elemental, Inner Fem/Masc, Higher Self

2 years ago

Hey Beautiful Warriors of Light. The below info will help you understand better what is behind this reading.

Our inner child is our innate innocence, our God spark that comes into a physical incarnation o experience life in matter thereby expanding its consciousness. However, due to wounding, the veil of forgetting of the matrix, and duality consciousness, this wholeness and connectedness to our divinity fragments, thus the term "wounded inner child". Essentially the ego also an incarnational tool takes over and identifies out of fear uniquely with the material world and individuality. The inner child is to the acorn as the Higher (balanced)Self is to the fully grown Oak tree. This is why reconnecting the fragmented aspects of our wounded inner child is primordial for the soul's development.

However, an incarnating soul always incarnates into physicality with a body elemental or what's also called the etheric life force body. This elemental being takes care of all our inner and unconscious functions. Imagine if you had to remember to breathe or make your heartbeat? This may be the first time you're hearing about a body elemental which I'll call B.E. Without it, we would ne BE yet, our 3D world seems to do everything to disconnect us from our inner divine knowing and power. The BE is essential in our body's healing and discharging toxins of all sorts, thus the need is these dystopian times, to create a sincere connection with our BE and the elemental world in general.
The four elements together create ETHER, life force, prana, the 5th element.

Checkout my guided meditation with the inner child, body elemental and detoxing:

There is a universal law of gender that all manifestation finds a balance of masculine and feminine energies. "Energies" is the key word, not sexual orientation because we have both feminine and masculine energies to varying degrees within us. Carl Jung call this experience of the soul, these energies: the anima and the animus. The anima or inner feminine represent the feminine aspect in men. The animus is the masculine aspect in women. The symbolic representation of this in the Yin Yang. The images anbd symbols in tarot and oracle cards show the many different archtypes of the anima and animus (mother/father, high priestess/hierophant, empress/emperor, moon, sun etc)

The unifying element, that pushes us into balancing those 2 forces is the SELF or Higher Self. This aspect is best represented as the united (married), healed parent archtype where THE INNER MASCULINE AND FEMININE unite and find balance. This is an essential part of our soul journey, the ego leads us astray in making us this that we can find that in an external, other.

Having been on what is now called a twin flame journey for about 30 years, and having listened to many wonderful, intuitive readers and their readings, who also encourage self empowerment and this inner journey, I strongly feel that an outer "union" with a true twin soul, your equal and opposite essence, won't occur until both have done the inner work and have balanced all these fragmented, wounded soul parts, individually first.

My intention is that you receive this reading and messages first for you. Than listen again and you are a divine feminine, you may listen again as if your inner masculine energies were your outer person. Likewise for divine masculines, you may listen again as if your inner feminine energies were your outer person. This is the mirror effect. Your outer person will inevitably trigger those aspects in you that are up for healing and recognition.
I highly recommend making it about you FIRST!

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