#292 I'm Back! Scrap Metal Recycling Makes Money!!! #scrapmetalrecycling #howtomakemoney #mydayinla

2 years ago

#292 I'm Back! Scrap Metal Recycling Makes Money!!! #scrapmetalrecycling #scrapmetal #howtomakemoney #sanpedrocalifornia #mydayinla #mydayinsp
Another load of scrap metal cleaning up in my Los Angeles Harbor community of San Pedro and Wilmington and I am so grateful that CWS ( California Waste Services ) is open on Sundays!!!
Check it out! Let people know what you do to help and your service business will grow! Thank you everybody!!! Let me help you get rid of that metal! Watch, learn, and send questions anytime in the comments!!!
Now please punch (BEAT ON THAT YOUTUBE ALGORITHM) that thumbs up button (like), share, comment, & subscribe! Many thanks!!!!
Thanks for watching and appreciate you all!
These videos are too much fun! I am grateful CWS (Trash & Recycling) is open 7 days a week (Gardena, CA)!!! Having a Tommy Gate Lift is a plus as well! (Thank you Mac’s Lift Gate in da LBC!) So grateful but you still gotta wear the proper equipment (gloves, steel tipped shoes, etc...) Hustle on!!! Remember to be safe! (2022)! Still having fun & earning! You got this!
Now hustle & grind!:-) {Be Safe!} Strap those loads!
@dodgeofficial @cummins @redwingshoes #scraplife #iscrap #iscrapapp #scrapyard #eatsleepscrap #iscrapeveryday #scrapmetal #metalrecycling #sanpedrotoday #mydayinsp #mydayinla #sanpedroca #drocity #sanpedrocalifornia #mystoryisntover #sanpedrocalifornia #speaker #speakerlife #90731tillthecasketdrops #nofomo #bb4l #alleyentrepreneur #howtomakemoney

Here’s the links to my books:
and in Spanish:
Here’s the link to the rest of the videos in my metal scrapping playlist:
Here’s the link to the rest of the videos in my youtube #shorts playlist:
Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSOC1ljGohX5-vdb1_UCOQ?view_as=public?SUB_CONFIRMATION=1
Find me on these social medias to shoot me any questions-I love to help!!!!
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachdomcosta/
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/CostaDomenic
On TikTok: @coachdomcosta
And follow Coach Dom Costa on Snapchat
And on Clubhouse at Coach DomCosta
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Here's the link to my FREE audiobook "Hustling For Cash Money With Metal Recycling!":

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