2 years ago


Moment in Christ is a love channel made for those who seek prayers for different moments and occasions in their lives.
We provide all the content and serve you so that you can also use it as an evangelization tool, sowing and disseminating the video to your friends, family and people you know who also want to know about prayer.

Here you will find prayers, rites, stories of saints and special videos about our everyday beliefs.

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Channel Moment In Christ,


The always miraculous Saint Judas Thaddeus, glorious Apostle of many peoples, tireless follower of Jesus Christ and propagator of the Holy Gospel, shed his blood and lost his life to defend the true faith. As a close relative of the Holy Family, he maintained an ongoing family relationship with them and was one of the 12 Apostles. For his virtues, for his fidelity, for his apostolic works and for his martyrdom, the Lord granted him the privilege of promptly and visibly helping humanity in the MOST DESPERATE CASES, of lost or very complicated causes and from Heaven He helps us to achieve the what you need
No matter how serious your need or difficulty, no matter how much you are suffering, trust in the goodness and power of Saint Judas, pray with great faith and ask Saint Jude Tadeu to help you and free you from all adversity:

Glorious Apostle Saint Jude Thaddeus
faithful servant and friend of Jesus,
you who are the blessed patron
of difficult and desperate cases,
pray and intercede for me in haste,
Well I'm full of stress
in this hour of great misfortune. My very holy Saint Judas Tadeo

help me visibly and quickly,
please don't ignore my request
Well I come to you with impatience
and with the greatest of hopes,
I approach you knowing that your kindness is great
and you don't stop helping those who turn to you
in their sorrows and afflictions, in their tribulations,

even if by your name you were branded disloyal. I promise you, glorious and useful Saint Jude

always remember this great favor,
that I'm sure I'll receive from your hands,
and never stop honoring you
as my most powerful protector
and my great benefactor,
today I ask for your help and your powerful mediation
to solve this problem so difficult
which is the cause of my despair:

(Order now with fervor).

I know you can help me and intercede for me before the Lord,
because you do not fail to help those who come to you in faith,
I beg you: pray for me, you know I need you
and though my request is difficult, your power is great,
and still greater is his generosity to men.

"Saint Jude Thaddeus, Glorious Apostle,
make my pains become joy."
(This last stanza is repeated three times, with great devotion and hope, and fully trusting in Saint Judas Thaddeus, who promptly grants requests).
I will always have you in my life and in my prayers.

Thank you Saint Judas Tadeu for helping me,
thanks for being nice and understanding,
for being an effective and kindly protective advocate
with those who call on him in their tribulations. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Pray the Creed, Our Father and Glory Be. Prayers and prayers are made asking with faith and affection for the mediation of Saint Judas Tadeu for three consecutive days,

But if the request is very difficult and desperate, it is advisable to make nine days, like a novena.

All saints bring us closer to our God the Father and Saint Judas Tadeu is the most suitable when despair invades us, he is the patron saint of impossible cases and through this prayer you get everything that worries you and makes you suffer to improve. Pray the prayer with conviction and, from the bottom of your heart, ask him to extend his generous hand to you and help you resolve what worries you that you cannot resolve on your own.

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