Saudi Arabia is Joining China to Change the US Dollar

1 year ago

Saudi Arabia is Joining China to Change the US Dollar 沙特阿拉伯正在加入中國改變美元

Saudi Arabia is planning to join China and change the future of the US dollar in global trade. For years oil has been sold exclusively in US dollar but if Saudi Arabia is admitted into BRICS it will almost certainly mean that Saudi oil will start being priced in a new currency. What's the future of the US dollar? 沙特阿拉伯正計劃加入中國,改變美元在全球貿易中的未來。多年來,石油一直以美元出售,但如果沙特阿拉伯被允許加入金磚國家,這幾乎肯定意味著沙特石油將開始以新貨幣定價。美元的未來在哪裡?

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