DIVINE NATURE ACTIVATION with SomaEnergetics ~ Nov 12 2022 / 6pm EST

2 years ago

We were taught that DNA was set in stone. Then Bruce Lipton blew up that concept with epigenetics – the idea that at least 50% of DNA is determined by environment, thoughts and lifestyle. With specially calibrated frequencies developed in cooperation with scientists at UCLA, David Hulse and Tim Leach from SomeEWnergetics show us how to use DNA/RNA tuning forks in the etheric field – where the physical receives instructions to replicate – to remind our DNA of its original divinely created codes: Divine Nature Activated (DNA)! Can this change appointments written in your ancestral code to ones that fulfill your Divine Purpose?

LIMITED TIME SPECIAL for the Elena Danaan Family: Until November 21, 2022, the AWAKEN Code will have magic powers:

1. The AWAKEN Code has been DOUBLED to 20% off your order
2. The code can be used even if you have ordered before.

After Nov 21, it will lose some of it magical powers and go back to 10% off first order only.

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