Dr Charlotte Proudman - she is the woman who attacked somebody I know back in 2015 because he told

2 years ago

Dr Charlotte Proudman - she is the woman who attacked somebody I know back in 2015 because he told her that he liked her picture on LinkedIn. Needless to say she is an absolute hypocrite because she was doing the same thing to other people online but basically she didn’t fancy Alex Carter silk so she didn’t consider it appropriate that he spoke to her that way. But it’s so strange to me to discover that I have a connection to the story because Alex was my ex-husband‘s boss! Very weird. But I believe that this is where she started in her fame hungry approach to make money from misandry! #dr#drcharlotteproudmanr#drproudmana#dailymailupdatem#amberheardisanambuseru#businessmaveno#johnnyvsamberm#amberheardvsjohnnydeppm#amberheardjailm#amberheardvsjohnnydeppv#evebarloww#twitternewsn#independentjournaliste#feminisma#famehungryt#storytimestiktok

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