A Casual Fan's of The Top of My Head Retrospective of The MCU [Phase 1 & Phase 2]

2 years ago

Now I'm just a casual fan who's primary exposure to anything Marvel is the MCU. Now that some time has past and I've had plenty of time to let my thoughts and emotions on the 1st 2 phases to settle, I decided to do an unscripted retrospective of Phase 1 & 2 of the MCU. As a "CASUAL FAN" of course. So it's not a deep dive retrospective or deep analysis. There are other creators out there that have already beat me to the punch with that and most likely have done it way better than I could. So if you just want a chill video of a guy giving his casual thoughts then have a seat, pull out a smoke if you smoke, maybe some snakes, and a nice cold or even warm beverage. And enjoy this guy giving his thoughts & opinions as well as looking forward to yours.

Background Gameplay: War Robots

Time codes are below if you want my thoughts on a specific film or if you want to finish it later and catch-up.


Intro- 0:00-3:25

*Phase 1- Avengers Initiative*
Iron Man- 3:31-6:20

Incredible Hulk- 6:22-8:52

Iron Man 2- 8:54- 10:34

Thor- 10:35-11:29

Captain America: The 1st Avenger- 11:30-15:10

Avengers- 15:11-17:22

*Phase 2- Avengers Protocol*
Iron Man 3- 17:30-19:20

Thor: The Dark World- 19:22-21:26

Captain America: The Winter Soldier- 21:27-22:40

Guardians of The Galaxy- 22:42-24:17

Avengers: Age of Ultron- 24:19-27:55

Ant-Man- 27:56-30:00

Abed Man Rant- 30:01-35:50

Final Concluding Thoughts- 35:51-38:14

Outro- 38:15-End

*My Links---*
Hyperr Khaotic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPub2pt0YWujv3YqRdX-ydg
B Kwiet: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEE2jCQzMhJFL4R8At26bTA
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Hyprr-Khaotic:c
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1450661
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPub2pt0YWujv3YqRdX-ydg
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/26uTaYD13vsL/

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