👿💥 Fake Meat Salesman and Genocide Enthusiast Bill Gates is Caught Admitting That "Climate Change" is a Scam

2 years ago

Bill Gates was caught admitting the climate change agenda is a giant scam for the New World Order in a newly surfaced video in which he boasts that the term “clean energy” has “screwed up people’s minds.” According to Gates, who was speaking to an audience of his inner circle in 2018, wind, solar, battery technology and other renewable energy sources might be fashionable, but they are NOT capable of solving climate change. As you can see in the video footage, the fact that renewable energy is not actually capable of solving climate change, despite being sold to us as the cure for so-called man made global warming, is hysterically funny for Bill Gates. Why does he find it so funny? Perhaps because he is making a fortune out of these so-called “clean energy” sources and capitalizing on the gullible masses with their “screwed up minds.”

So now that we have Gates on record admitting clean energy is a scam, how does the unelected world health czar defend his plans to force people to stop eating meat and start consuming his fake meat? As Joe Rogan pointed out, Bill Gates really shouldn’t be lecturing anyone about a healthy diet. There is of course a clear financial motive to Gates’s plan in getting people to consume his fake food, just as there had been with his Covid “investments”. This is the man who admitted he ordered President Trump not to investigate the possible side-effects of the new Covid jabs. Damning stuff, I’m sure you will agree. But Gates has a history of being – suspiciously – one step ahead of major world disasters. And capitalizing on them when they arrive.

In recent years Gates has been buying up vast swathes of US and world farmland. Last year Gates became the biggest private owner of farmland in the US. The Microsoft co-founder is considered the largest private owner of farmland in the country with some 269,000 acres across dozens of states, according to last year’s edition of the Land Report 100, an annual survey of the nation’s largest landowners. Suspiciously, following Gates’ quickfire purchase of the largest stake of America’s farmland, food production facilities started burning to the ground. Could the man who “predicted” the pandemic, and was conveniently on hand to capitalize from it, have also “predicted” the food crisis?

Considering the amount of pain and suffering that the Great Reset “clean energy” policies inflict on ordinary people, can they really be justified by the elite who are pushing them on us? When you remember that four years ago Bill Gates was laughing with his friends about how “clean energy” won’t even solve the so-called climate crisis, there can only be one possible answer. The Great Reset is a scam, no matter how you slice it.

More on Bill Gates: https://therealtruthnetworkcom.wordpress.com/2020/06/09/bill-gates/

The Great Reset/NWO/Agenda2030: https://therealtruthnetworkcom.wordpress.com/2022/04/20/agenda-21-nwo/

Video Source: The Peoples Voice on Youtube


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