Yhwh Yaohou uma bomba sobre o a papa e o Vaticano - a bombshell over the pope and the vatican

1 year ago

Neste video o irmão Juarez C. Vital fala sobre sua origem, a obra da sua vida e sobre os absurdos das religiões.

In this video Brother Juarez C. Vital talks about his origins, his life's work and the absurdities of religions.

a bombshell over the pope and the vatican

I was born in Minas Gerais, in the municipality of Rio do Prado,
near the Jequitinhonha Valley, the poorest region of Minas Gerais.
From 15 to 16 years old, my father passed away, I went to be a believer in the evangelical church Assembly
of God, I learned that I had a work to do on earth, that in due time
I would know what work that would be.
I thought that this work was through the churches.
I started reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, I read it several times.
One day, I had been fasting for three days and three nights without eating or drinking, I read
a biblical passage, I was moved and cried,
then I heard a sweet and soft voice that said to me:
"Here is my servant; in the Bible there's something wrong! "
That did not shake me, I left in silence, I continued to congregate in the church.
One day, when I was going to church with the Bible under my arm,
I heard a voice: "Here is my servant; the name Jesus is not true!"
That did not affect me, I was going to the church and I went to the church.
I was a church preacher, I was a Sunday school teacher, I was very
well regarded in the church. then they told me that man had to study
that knowledge does not occupy space.
I entered the biblical theology class at ETAD ( Theological Study
of the Assemblies of God), then they nicknamed me brother 10, because I got
One day, in the theology class, two teachers, one by name Julius Caesar and the other by name
Arthur said: "We do not know where the name Jesus originated, we know
that the language of the Jewish people is Hebrew, there are two Hebrews, the archaic ( old)
and modern, nor the archaic or the modern has the letter, the consonant "J".
it does not have as the messiah be called jesus. " "we know that the name of the creator father, is a
Hebrew tetragram, Yod Hê Vav Hê".
First name does not translate, first name can be transliterated, there are
names that transliterate, there are names
that do not, for example, Peter in English is pronounced
Peter, Davi, David, Maria, Mary, (in Hebrew) Miriam
(Aramaic) Maory, this is called transliteration.
However, there are names that do not transliterate, for example, Saddam Hussein, is
Saddam Hussein in any country in the world, Bill Clinton is Bill Clinton in any
country in the world.
The Hebrew tetragrammaton, the creator's name, is Yod Hê vav Hê in Portuguese is YHWH.
Hence, the pronunciation of the Hebrew names, they had no vowels, the ancient Hebrew did not
exist vowels, the names were read by abbreviations, for example, km, kilometer
ml, millimeter, used only consonants, in this way the names in Hebrew were read.
Hence, the tetragrammaton Yod Hê vav Hê, which in Portuguese is YHWH,
the pronunciation of the name of the creative father, the one who made heaven, the earth, and the source
of the waters, Yaohou that is the name of the creative father, the messiah has
the same name as the father, what is the name of the messiah ?, Jesus ?, there is no way,
even because in Hebrew there is no "J", the "J" is only 500 years old,
and the messiah has more than 2,000 that was born, so there is no logic in
his name being Jesus, so Jesus is a made up name.
They replaced, exchanged the real name with this name Jesus, for example, the
Catholic church killed, burned and hanged the
prophets of antiquity, this church called Catholic, which is
Catholic has nothing. she is the enemy of the creative father.
If you take the Bible, translated into Portuguese, João Ferreira de Almeida,
who was João Ferreira de Almeida ?, a priest, but wait, the people who killed the prophets
of the father who made the heavens and the earth, which burned, who hanged, who beat,
who persecuted the people of the creator, is
who passed on the Bible, who translated the Bible to the population, is not something wrong ?!
You see, I'm going to make a parable here for you to understand what the Bible is, let's say
that today you are going to get a chicken for you to make lunch, you are not going to throw stone
at the chicken, of course, you are going to cheat the chicken so you can get it him, you
're going to throw a handful of corn at the chicken, the chicken comes, let's say the chicken knew how to
speak, he would say: "Ah he's nice, he'll take care of me", and his purpose
is to cut his neck off .
So did the Catholic Church, she took the real handful and threw it
in the book, and then she deceived the people into lying, most of the book and lying.
Is there truth in the book ?, there is little, most lie, mistake, the
world population is mistaken.
Catholic masses until the year 525 was celebrated in Greek, after it went to
Latin, the Greeks are polytheists, worshipers of more than 33 thousand gods,
God of the God of the Greeks is Zeus, the God of the God of the Romans and Jupiter, in Greece there is also
no "J".
Greeks and Romans very united, then they took the "J" from Jupiter, selves
from Zeus, they merged in three stages, until they reached the name Jesus and took and pulled
the real name from the scripture and put the evil name to the people worship, he deceived
the population.
When you worship God, you are worshiping the greatest idol you have in Greece
which is Zeus, the God of the God of the Greeks, because the name God comes from the
Greek Theus, and Theus from Zeus, this is opposed to the real one.
You have to look for the one who made heaven, the earth and the source of the waters,
his name is Yaohou, and there is only one name that saves, Acts 4 and 12: "Above the earth only;
there is a name; by which can be saved ", if there is only one
name that saves, I ask which one? One hour is God, another time is Jehovah, another
time is Emanoel, another time is Jesus.
Another time is Yavé, another time is Yahweh, another time is Aparecida, another time is lady
of I don't know what. but, isn't there just one name that saves? and why
so much? They moved the scriptures, but the prophecies their content, they did n’t
know what it was, they didn’t move,
they left it, they changed names that they knew, but the
content of the story they didn’t change because they didn’t know what it was, and there it says, Revelation
’m going to put in order what I’m going to say here, you can look there carefully, that
you will find, there speaks of a great prostitute or harlot,
let's see inside, it is not me who will say, who is this prostitute is not, who is
going to say who is the prostitute, we will find it in Revelation 17 and 18, says that
the great prostitute is full of blasphemy names, what
are these names? God, Jesus, Jehovah, Emmanuel, Yahweh, Yahweh, Aparecida, I
do n't know what. they fixed those names and deceived the population.
Acts 4 and 12: "Above the earth; there is only one name; by which one can be saved!"
So it's just one, not that much.
Come here, how many names does this citizen have ?, as far as I know, a person
can only have one name, okay, what's the name of the real one ?, Yaohou!
Why did they take it out ?, because their mission was to banish the truth from the face of the earth, they
found in the scripture that there is only one name on the face of the earth by which it can be
saved, and said: "let's consume with that name that is to put all to lose, to
leave the population lost, deceived, Their mission, they killed, burned, and
hanged the prophets, was to banish the truth from the face of the
Hence my dear, they took Jupiter's "J", esus Zeus, joining the two idols
and made the name Jesus and took true.
and after Jesus to the people love, stick in the book
and YarminYaohou you call Jeremiah, it can not be Jeremiah, because there
does not has "J", then do not have to be Jeremiah the prophet's name is YarminYaohou.
Chapter 11 verse 19, I'll read it to you, "I was like a gentle lamb led
to slaughter (was speaking of the messiah, the lamb led
to killing), I didn't know that they were plotting projects against me saying;
let us destroy the tree with its fruit; let him cut and cast out of the
land of the living; and there is no more memory of his name (or memory of your
"They killed the Messiah, consumed the fruits, the true teachings of him, and banished
his name from the earth, and have left no
memory of his name.
But what is the proof that this name over there, what tree was the Messiah ?, John chapter 15
who is also not John, is Yaohouhannan. they changed and you call John chapter
farmer; he is the tree, they cut down and threw the living out of the earth, and left
no remembrance of his name.
My dear friend, I will say for sure, for you who are thirsty for justice,
for you who are thirsty for salvation, I want to tell you, I will preach on the face of the earth
the true gospel, the true gospel, no has a temple, the true
gospel, no religious leader, the true gospel, you don’t take a cent from anyone,
that God is the one who takes money even from a wheelchair? So he is poor ?!
Mine is rich!
Mine is the one who made the heavens, the earth and the fountain of water, he doesn't need
money to do his work, his work is free, there is no price, salvation
is free.
These people, priest, pastor, pope who are taking money from the population, this is theft, this
is injustice, this is a crime, they are characterizing the minds of people to take money.
They did the trickery, deceived the people, and continue to deceive and take
money from the well-intentioned poor.
My dear friend, you have to leave idolatry, the truth is not in
any religion, here in Israel everyone is wrong,
the world population is wrong.
But I invite you to get out of deception, embrace the creator, the one who made the heavens, the earth
and the source of the waters, abandon the religions and embrace the creator, if you want to have salvation,
Acts 4 and 12: "Above the earth ; there is only one name; by which one can be saved! "
And if you are asking for the other name ?, how is the situation? In the book of
Yashayaohou that you call Isaiah, which they changed their name,
in chapter 52, verses 5 and 6 it is written: "And what shall I do now ?; Says the
Most High, there they write sir, why are you Baal, no you can call the creator
lord because lord, Baal's name was
lord, then he was changed to Baal, the Most High, the
creator of heaven and earth, Yaohou is his name.
But come on, Isaías Yashayaohou that you call Isaiah, 52 verses 5 and 6: "And now
that I will do it, here says the Most High; were my people taken for no reason
?! Those who rule over them howl
(those pastors in the churches scream) says the Most High; and my name is constantly blasphemed
by the people every day. "when you pronounce the name of the creator, calling God, Jesus,
Jehovah, Yahweh, Yahweh, Emanuel, you are blaspheming the
But if you go on there it is written:" But
my people will know my name!
"You will know is the future, not in this!
my dear friend, upon the earth there is only one name by which to save, the name is
Accept the truth, abandon religions, abandon all kinds of religion, embrace
Yaohou and be infinitely happy
, so be it.


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