Make this easy CARNIVORE Friendly Party Appetizer | Deviled Eggs 😈🥚

2 years ago

(RECIPES BELOW) Hi lovely people, follow along as I show you how to make this delicious crowd pleaser, but Carnivore style! These deviled eggs are fit for any party - OR- use this recipe for your next meal rotation! As always I appreciate you sticking with me in this journey! ☺️

Homemade Mayo
- (1tsp) White Vinegar
- (1/4c) Fat (You can use duck fat, lard, or tallow)
- (2) Egg Yolks at room temperature
- Pinch of Salt
1. Combine all ingredients (except the fat) into a bowl
2. Utilize an emulsion blender - or - food processor, to mix ingredients together.
3. Begin adding small amounts of fat into the overall mix.
*Caution* do not add the entire portion of fat into your mix at a single time. It's crucial to take your time blending this step in order to achieve the whipped mayo texture
*Storage* keep final contents within a glass jar and refrigerate and. use within 4 days.

Deviled Eggs
- (7) Hard boiled eggs
- (3tbsp) mayo
- (1 tsp) yellow mustard
- (1 tsp) white vinegar
1. Separate cooked yolks from cooked whites. Mash the cooked yolks.
2. Combine all ingredients and mix.
3. Scoop/pipe filling into the egg whites.

Feel free to make this recipe yours to adjust by adding additional seasonings. Enjoy!

#carnivorediet #animalbaseddiet #healthylifestyle #zerocarbs #zerosugar

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, nutritionist, or fitness expert. I'm simply your average individual who has decided to change their lifestyle and openly share the results of the Carnivore Diet.

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