Aug 3, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they most resemble Me

2 years ago

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Blessed are the Peacemakers… You most resemble Me

August 3, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began… “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God. Indeed, peacemakers most resemble Me. Of all attributes aside from charity, peace-making is most important to Me.

“Without peace, it is impossible to accomplish anything. Without peace, you cannot foster love. Without peace, men are in a continual downward spiral of death and hopelessness. So, this is one of satan’s favorite strategies. Steal your peace, at any cost; deprive you of your peace. That is why I have promised you the peace that passes all understanding.

Anytime your peace is being rattled, you can assume there is a snake nearby (no pun intended) Ok… a rattle snake. When you get rattled you are dealing with the serpent. Yes, the enemy is taking territory from you unless you are very observant and nip it in the bud. But, for most it slowly coils around to cut off circulation to the brain, injecting the venom of fear disguised as prudence.

“When I visit a soul I bring peace, whether you are aware of why you feel peaceful or not. My peace surpasses all understanding and all events. In the midst of tragedy, My peace can descend and bring order out of chaos. The dark forces you speak about, their entire agenda is to foster strife, confusion, and chaos. For I am not a God of confusion but of peace. (1 Corinthians 14:33)

“Anytime, anytime, anytime at all your peace is disturbed, or rattled, you can be sure there is a little demon nearby throwing off your balance, injecting you with its venom. If My people could recognize this from the onset, wars would cease to exist. But rather, they try to fight fear with force and force is always only a temporary solution.

“That is why My reign is so very important, to restore the Garden of Eden to men, that they may live in peace, good will, and understanding.

“How joyful life will be when I return. Still, you will have dissenters until the serpent is forever banished, but in the beginning, the peace will be a shining force throughout the earth. Even the animals will be at peace with men. This peace will be hard won by the blood of many and will in its nature only be temporary until the final Judgment. Then peace shall reign forever.

“So, what I want to say is that peacemakers most resemble Me. And the contrast to that is the troublemakers who most resemble satan.

“That is why I called the religious leaders a brood of vipers. They pretended peace on the outside with long flowing garments woven with golden tassels, but inside they were ravening wolves, seeking how to destroy anyone or anything that challenged their authority and rule. Absolute power corrupts and absolute power was what they were seeking. They threatened men with their eternal salvation if they dared to challenge them.

“Things have not changed one iota. Fear is still used by religious authorities masquerading as messengers and protectors of truth. My dear Ones, have nothing to do with dissemblers and those who sow discord among brethren. This is most certainly inspired by the wicked ones.

“I want you to be pure before me; no mud in your hands – rather clean, shining, and ready to be taken into My Abode forever.

“Be peacemakers. Be the one to take up for the absent when cruel things are said. Be the one who puts a stop to gossip and calumny. How beautiful are the footsteps of the Bride who brings peace in her bosom. She is adorned with all choice perfumes and jewels from her Father’s house. Oh, how beautiful you are when you defend righteousness and sow peace among brothers and sisters.

“You most resemble Me when you bring order out of confusion, understanding out of conflict, turning bitterness to forgiveness and kindness. There is no price worthy of such a soul, who goes around bringing brotherly love and concord. The fruits of such a one as this will testify to her virtue throughout eternity.

“I want you to consider for a moment, how the wicked venom from the mouth of the serpentine woman can foment wars and disaster after disaster to rulers. First and Second Kings chronicles the lives of Ahab and Jezebel, his wife. And 1 Samuel 25 tells the Story of Nabal, Abigail and David. I am taking the time My Bride to reveal the fruits of a wicked and the fruits of the wise.

“How beautiful you are to Me, My Brides. Truly you take My Breath away with your virtue when you defend the innocent and refuse to partake of evil. Remember, in this time left to you on Earth, the devils are always looking for a way to defile you, steal your purity, your innocence, your beauty. Dissembling and destroying peace among brethren or family is the enemy’s favorite tactic.

“Be on your guard, My Beautiful Ones. Protect your virtue and the virtue of others from detraction and gossip. Keep your hands clean from the mire of this world. Do not allow anyone to soil your wedding garment. Continue to take My Breath away by your virtue.

“Oh, how wonderful it will be on that day that I take you to Myself in absolute purity with nothing to shame you or cause you to blush.

“Remember it is not what goes into your mouth that defiles but what comes out that defiles and reveals the contents of your heart. Keep your heart only for Me. Protect it without compromise. Bring peace out of strife, let your virtue shine upon all men that your Father in Heaven may be glorified.

“Blessed are the Peacemakers. You are called children of God, and surely I will take you into the place I have prepared for you.”

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