नानक देव जी कौनसे नाम का जाप करते थे? | Sant Rampal Ji Satsang | SATLOK ASHRAM

2 years ago

नानक देव जी कौनसे नाम का जाप करते थे? | Sant Rampal Ji Satsang | SATLOK ASHRAM

God Kabir Told Nanak Ji to Keep Satnam Secret in Bhai Bala Wali Janam Sakhi
Ref: Page No. 309: “Sachkhand ki Sakhi”

Jinda Baba took Nanak Ji to Sachkhand as stated above on his desire. He saw the amazing highly illuminating eternal world ‘Satlok’ where Satpurush was enthroned on a big beautiful sparkling throne. Many deities were standing around Him with folded hands in a queue waiting for their turn. The brightness of one hair follicle of the body of Satpurush was more than the combined light of millions of Suns and Moons. Nanak Ji prostrated Akaal Purush. That place was becoming extremely beautiful by the presence of Lord Vishnu. Supreme God Akaal Purush warmly welcomed Nanak Ji and said ‘You are a part of me, there is no difference between you and me. You have been sent in that world to preach Satnam, remain firm to that’. Listening to the words of Akaal Purush then Nanak Ji said that ‘I have disclosed Satnam as per your wish and will tell the same further with your due permission.

This proves that Kabir Saheb instructed Nanak Ji to keep Satnam secret. Now, the enduring question to the devotees would be why did God Kabir Saheb tell Nanak Ji to keep Satnam secret?

Why Was Satnam Kept Secret?
True salvation mantras (Satnam and Sarnam) help souls get relieved from the trap of Brahm-Kaal. When the very first time God Kabir acquiring the form of his son Jogjeet came in the region of Brahm-Kaal and scolded him why does he torture his dear souls in his twenty-one universes? And that He will go and tell his reality that you (Kaal) is not God but a devil. At that time. Kaal tried to misbehave with Jogjeet but in vain. Finally, he surrendered. Then he requested God Kabir (Jogjeet) to liberate limited souls in the first three yugas (ie. Satyuga, Tretayuga, and Dwaparyug) and liberate as many souls as you want in Kalyuga. Because he had the weird intention to mislead souls in making them do arbitrary worship which is devoid of the injunctions of holy scriptures by which souls will not be able to attain salvation and will remain in his trap. He said he will start many wrong religious practices like Pilgrimage, visit and worship in Temple, Mosques, Churches, GuruDwaras, several cults in his (Kabir) name who will chant the wrong mantra assuming they are worshipping Supreme God and will attain emancipation. They will remain ignorant and waste their precious human birth. They will become atheists.

When the representative of God will come in the fixed prime time of worship in Kalyuga and will tell true spiritual knowledge then his (Kaal) agents and innocent devotees misguided by them will not listen to him rather will revolt. This was the reason why Nanak Ji was instructed by God Kabir not to disclose Satnam and Sarnam otherwise how will He be able to differentiate what is the right way of worship? What is Satnam? How to attain emancipation?

Ref: Kabir Sagar, Chapter Kabir Vaani, Jeev Dharm Bodh page no. 137 and 1937.

After giving the complete course of salvation ie. all three mantras to devotee Dharmadas Saheb Ji God Kabir gave him instructions

Dharmdas meri lakh duhai, Sarshabad kahin bahar na jaai |
Sarshabad bahar jo padhi, bichlee peedhi hans na tarahin ||

Dharmdas meri lakh duhai, Mool (Saar) Shabad bahar na jaai |
Pavitr gyan tum jag mein bhakho, mool gyan goi (gupt) tum rakho ||
Mool gyan tab tak chupai, jab tak dwadash panth na mit jayee ||

The gist: Humble God Kabir Saheb told Dharmdas Ji not to disclose the secret of Satnam and Sarnam otherwise when the prime time in Bhakti Yug will come ie. when Kalyug will pass 5505 years then the Hans souls will not be liberated. Keep this true spiritual knowledge and true mantras a secret. The same instructions were given to other great men whom God met.


अधिक जानकारी के लिए विज़िट करें: https://www.jagatgururampalji.org/en/shri-guru-granth-sahib/satnam-secret/


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