I break my spaghetti and you can’t stop me

2 years ago

I break my spaghetti and you can’t stop me

My gf always looks at me in disgust, horror and anger - but the eating experience of halfed spaghetti is superb! Follow my reasoning if you wish:

-you don’t get sauce splashing everywhere because they’re like wild snakes getting tickled juicing everywhere

-you don’t even need a spoon because they can be eaten with 1 fork in hand (or foot, per preference)

-they don’t stick together much because they get separated at birth, hence making for an at least 17,4% improved ingestion experience

-they cook objectively a bit faster, results clinically proven (n=2)

-I like going against societal norms

-the returning joy of witnessing signs of existential dread in my so’s face after muttering the shameful (proud) question whether the spaghetti need to be split

Come at me, I can take it - making pasta right now

#reddit #unpopularopinion #tts

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