Dino DiVincezno Story - A FormerFedsGroup Interview

2 years ago

Rhiannon Divincenzo joins us to talk about what happened to her dad Dino in an American Hospital regarding the Covid Protocols. "My Father Dino was an amazing man that was extremely strong and fought this battle with his all He was a loving father, grandfather and husband. My Father started feeling sick on November 28th, within two days he took an at home COVID test and tested positive. On December 2nd I was able to make an appointment with Desert Valley Hospital so he could get the Antibody Infusion Monoclonal, when he arrived at the hospital his oxygen was at 60%, with that being said they denied giving him the antibodies."

Read more about this heartbreaking story and others at https://chbmp.org/cases/murdered-by-fda-death-protocol/dino-divincezno/

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