Patrick #FeelTheByrne Knew Devolution Was Activated

1 year ago

#PatrickByrne gives a situational update via locals - I left all the glitches of his feed that he experienced in the replay. He says we take the House & the Senate. How is he so sure? How does he look so happy when the rest of American Patriots are pissed about the shenanigans going on in the election. Taking too long to count and the MSM reporting vastly different numbers than Citizen journalists?

Patel Patriot has, since July 2021, been flushing out a theory in 23 parts, that IF foreign interference was found, and Trump knew, he would HAVE to sign the executive order to put America in the hands of the Pentagon.

#PatrickByrnes confirms that in fact Devolution HAD to have been signed

Patrick Dropped the most explosive information in American History. He found out WHO the #DeepState is. And caught them all! In his speech on 11/5 at the ReAwaken Tour in Branson MO

In order for Devolution to be activated, there had to be 2 conditions met.

1. There had to be proof of foreign interference in the 2020 Election. And

2. Trump had to have known

In this clip, Patrick Byrne, shows proof that CISA found foreign interference in the 2020 election.

Dec 16,2020 The largest hack in US history happened. Solar Winds Hack. CISA confirmed in their report that was our entire government AND the elections systems.

In the larger 14 minute clip Patrick says he went to the President on Dec 18, 2020 & showed him proof from the US government investigations by, CISA, that confirmed that there were foreign actors that had hacked the entire government, including our elections Systems.

Stay tuned for my Devolution video that will have the pertinent information condensed for fast dissemination. I wanted to get this out to calm the panic.

At this point, Trump had NO CHOICE, but to sign the executive order to put the US in control of capable hands of the Pentagon. Because Trump knew & IF he did nothing, he would be guilty of Sedition. And hung. I think Trump likes his head, but more importantly - Trump LOVES this country. And would NEVER allow it to be sold to the highest bidder (Hunter Biden Laptop) and Hillary (operation snow globe)

Devolution is when the country has a hostile takeover & the Pentagon is given control to save Her (the coup Bryne discusses in the 14 minute clip above). Their oath is to Defend the constitution at all costs, against foreign & domestic, as Bryne reminds us. You can hear him choke up. I choked up with him.

Flynn took a very public pledge with his family & they reaffirmed their oath to the Constitution in July 2020. MSM laughed at him & painted him as a QAnon conspiracy believer.
QAnon is a non entity. It was a word coined to gaslight millions of Americans reading the research anonymous people where doing. And confuse the rest.

As the host in this clip says “weird”. Is it? The MOST unprecedented military operation ever ran in America History with one goal in mind - save American lives. To win a war without firing a shot or loosing lives. Q woke up a sleeping giant. The American people.

WE ARE THE STORM! We took control of America by getting involved.

When did America's General know? Perhaps in sometime after 2016 when Trump launched an investigation in the election systems as one of our critical infrastructure. Steal a vote you steal a country. And THAT is why Obama targeted Flynn.

Remember back to Pelosi being furious and made the National Guard sleep in the cold garage floor & Trump put them up in Trump hotel?

Trump could have taken over the country at that point in Dec 2020. But we would have had civil war. Trump wanted to save America, but not like that. They launched a plan at the famous White House meeting to activate the American people & allow the events to unfold lawfully. WE made it happen! With guidance and teachings along the way - Trump gave us a backbone again, and the Patriots taught us how to use it! Be Proud to Be An American. And anyone that worked tirelessly to get to the truth even when faced with attacks gas lighting and being called Nazis, should be thanked by every American for helping save the country for them!

WE see you Maricopa. You are the First to Domino to Fall! Who’s next? Michigan?

Trump couldn't have taken a more aggressive stand and the #DeepState knew it. They had successfully ran a false reality with the help of the #CommunistControlled Media to frame Trump for the #BigLie that started it all.

#PatrickBryne in his unique position, started the whole Russia hoax by being duped by FBI Peter Strzok & another, to do their bidding, to help them start “the insurance policy”-unbeknownst to Patrick. He thought he was doing the country a favor.

Byrne - being central hub to whistleblowers that didn’t trust their own government & didn’t want to be Clintonized - had learned of Elias from Perkins Coie had set Up Trump with a lie that his computer was accessing a Russia bank & Elias had kiddie porn on his hard drive.

These 2 reporters. Sheelah Kolhatkar of the New Yorker and Emma Brown of the Washington Post will be the 2 most hated #FakeNews in America for picking feelings over facts. Did the Washingto Post and New Yorker know? I wouldn’t want to be any of them right now.

At this point, Biden is the head of a hostile takeover of the US. Biden “was” in charge of Administration side of government (the money) and The Pentagon is in charge of the military, with THE PRESIDENT (which is Trump) suspended until the military deems the threat has been resolved. Perhaps the “All Clear” comes sooner rather than later. Remember Biden complained because they wouldn’t give him the Nuclear codes?

Biden didn’t send troops to Afghanistan because he couldn’t. He had no authorization. He also can’t send troops to Ukraine. But he sure could bankrupt America by sending money there & spend recklessly. When did they know their number was up?

Half the country believed the #BigLie. Trump could not have the military take over counties to examine what happened when half the country thought Trump was literally Hitler. That’s what had been pounded in their head for 4 years by a UN #CommunistControlled media. Trump knew, as did John F Kennedy, that they could count on the American people when they are equipped with the facts. “I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing & alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response & dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.”

So “they” counted on Fellow Americans to set the ship right legally & peacefully.

Elon taking over Twitter & firing all those teams whose soul purpose was to implement UN guidelines on our speech was a game changer. We had 2 realities in America. Created by #FakeNews. We must unite together against our common enemy. The #Globalist #DeepState Obama, Hilary, Biden, Brennan & Comey

The RINOS & the GOP that fought to keep things hidden. And in doing so, we now know who is part of the #DeepState puppet brigade.

If #Globalist offered Patrick 1 Billion to walk away & the #DeepState offered 1 million to Jovan, how much did they offer certain legislators, Pullen & Bennett, who were told 12 years ago & did nothing? Or Boyer who voted against every Election bill to kill it? or Brnovich who knew over a year before the 2020 & didn’t even investigate? What does Hobbs & the entire BOS, Fontes AND Richer know? Richer ran on a failed system & then did 0 changes when he won. Why? How’s that fire work out for you,Hickman? Never buy Hickman Eggs again!

Were they guilty of Treason, knowingly helping to steal our country? Or were they puppets? #CommunistControlled or #CommunistConfused toeing the RNC party line? /And RNC-we see you-you didn't lift a finger to help get to the truth - as a matter of fact you BLOCKED efforts! It was evident when you didn't support Jeff Zink running against Gallego in a D stronghold - you didn't lift 1 finger to help him get on the ballot or win! WE SEE YOU!
We demand answers from everyone!

How much did they pay you Lin Wood to viscously accuse #PatrickBryne and America's General, Michael Flynn, of being grifters and #DeepState and try to cleave away support from them? Enough to buy a plantation? You wasted your time - it didn't work. How much money did your followers give you? I hope you choke on the money they paid you (& the money your duped followers gave you) to betray your fellow citizens & try to disrupt operations!

Same goes with you "Professor" Clements! AKA TP - the only thing your good for! We found out about your China man handler. You were warned you had a China plant in your midst and you didn't care! You then continued to viciously attack this Patriotic American that has done more for this country & is more of a man than you will ever would hope to be! How much did they pay you to try & disrupt, not only the support Flynn & Bryne were organically getting, but to disrupt the audit! I CAUGHT your China man trying to infiltrate! And YOU are personally responsible for us NOT getting paper to examine in FIVE states. How much did they pay you to betray America? Apparently the #Communists have plenty of money to sprinkle around - what did you get? Cash? or In kind, like a new car perhaps? God, your act was sooo easy to see through - your followers buying into your trap clap because you spouted bible verses! I heard that call you made to Jovan - you sir, or a fraud! And I hope all your followers not realize it.

And what about you Joe Oltman? Did they pay you too? Or were you just duped by Lin Wood and TP & his China man? Will you apologize publicly and admit you were wrong?
And you, Nick Mosedar, at the heart shouting out to your listeners & inciting them to DEMAND #PatrickBryne show receipts. We saw who you are!
And you STILL try to discredit him just this last October. You have outed yourself - you are either #CommunistControlled or #CommunistConfused

God really did have their backs & protected them. The attack were like ants biting a toe. But we see you. I hope all your followers now do to. China Man - GTHO of our country!

This Country was drug through hell! Not only was it proven the election STOLEN for Biden, you #DeepState *Obama, Biden, Brennan, Hillary, Comey - you have illegally seized power over our country - based on a #BigLIE! You knew Trump would not do anything to harm Americans. You have inflicted tremendous pain on American citizens! In the words of Donald Trump Jr "They Hate You". I hope American Citizens see the truth to that now!

All the food shortages, high gas prices, and other “pains” that they were inflicting on us was because they were trying to take over our country! They needed compliant sheep to be demoralized, weak & compliant. For 2 years this Administration has inflicted a lot of pain on America!

Yet! WE persevered! We rose up! WE fought you back. And WE WON!

We must DEMAND this ENTIRE Administration be removed from office! Now!

We must demand answers in every state on who knew what & when.

This is a highly organized RICO case.

Biden on Oct 25, 2020: "We're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”

Obama was illegally placed in office! When is the last time we really VOTED a President in?

WE demand Military tribunals for ALL the coup members, NOW!!

As the 14 minute video confirms “I caught you all Motherf’ers”.

That statement will go down in history. Where were you when it happened?

Did you catch that? What Bumbling Biden let slip? They’ve been doing it for well over 20 years. Both parties.

It’s time to end the madness & get off this roller coaster.

Just because we “won” doesn’t mean we are done yet. You can not go back to the couch! We have a HUGE mess to clean up & a country to heal. If we “trust” someone else to do it, we end up right back in this position. And next time we may not be so lucky. The #Globalists learned lessons along the way & will adjust.

Stay vigilant. Stay strong. Stay Active.

Together we will Make America the best place on earth!

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