NO LIE BRANCA REVIEW with Meme Copium, Legal Mindset, Fluxx, Max Mura & BP

2 years ago

No Lie Branca Review w/ Meme, Mindset, Fluxx, Max & BP
#live #lawtube #drama #mgtow #truth #lol #panel #debate
In this video:
@Meme Copium
@Legal Mindset
@Law of Self Defense
@Faran Balanced
@Hannah Fronz
@Radix Verum
@Chrissie Mayr
@Ari Jacob ☢️ @littlemissjacob
@Legal Vices
@Rekieta Law

Tell us how you _really_ feel 😂
Meme's show is always a lot of fun!! I tuned in toward the end when Meme & Max were so drunk they started reviewing Memes vids lol 💕 it was actually really entertaining.

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