Constructivist Art

2 years ago

Combining constructivist art with organ donation

Constructivist art was built on the foundation of standing out in a political climate and has links to architecture using words and shapes in direct response to help portray the artist's thoughts and ideas. Using the foundation of words, I wanted to represent the word "Donor" in a constructivist style that would be easily recognisable to the works of El-Lissitzky.

Whilst viewing Lissitzkys work, the colour palette was a pinnacle point of the artwork, and each colour was chosen for a significant reason. For example, the red was in direct opposition to the Russian government. Using the same formula for creating a colour palette that links directly to the foundation of the artwork, I had to look over the logos of charities and government bodies that work in organ transplantation.

I am using the colours from within the different logos that allowed for creating my colour palette.
• CHUF (children's heart unit fund)
• PHAuk
• NHS blood and transplant
• The British Heart Foundation
Once I had achieved the colour pallet, I had to set upon the design structure and links to organ donation, creating shapes and using instruments needed to perform the transplant surgery.
@pha_uk_insta @chufofficial @nhsorgandonor @britishheartfoundationuk

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