No gray Areas (A divided kingdom, Mark 3:23-27, Matthew 12:24-30)

2 years ago

No Grey Areas (A divided kingdom, Mark 3:23-27, Matthew 12:24-30)
When you begin to study art as a small child, they teach you the color wheel and that the two most polarizing colors is black and white. White is the absence of all color, while black is the presence of all colors at once. There is a clear difference between the colors white and black and if they mix you get different shades of a new color called gray, depending upon how much of each you mix the grey will be darker or lighter. The color wheel is a beautiful thing to study as any color imaginable can be create by simply mixing various colors together in different amounts. When Jesus begins to teach and clarify that kingdoms cannot be divided, he makes a clear case that good, and evil should never be mixed because they are enemies. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world are to remain separated and there are no grey areas where it is acceptable for them to mingle. There is a clear line in the sand drawn and you much choose where you want to stand, there is no straddling of the fence in the spiritual world.
If white was complete obedience to God and black was anything goes at any time, where would you fall on the color spectrum. 1 Peter 4:4 says that the world thinks it weird that we don’t simply act as they act because you only live once, you might as well as enjoy life as you see fit. The modern theology of relativism has swept our nation to the point that a supreme court justice nominee does not feel qualified to define the sex of an individual. The grey scale of America keeps getting darker and darker as we abandon biblical truths for the lies of this world and demonic deception. The truth is that anyone in the grey is an enemy of God and that only those firmly planted in the white will be a part of God’s eternal Kingdom. None of us are completely obedient to God so how will anyone get white status; the answer is that you cannot do it. We cannot do it, so God did it for us in the form of Jesus Christ. Scripture says that we are washed and made clean by the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:4). Jesus died and paid the price for our sins and to make us clean once again in the eyes of God if we accept His Son as our Lord and Savior and allow the Holy Spirit to guide our hearts. We will still make mistakes, but our hearts will be to love and serve our Creator in everything that we do.

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