Arizona. Arizona.. Arizona… do you know that we’re watching?

2 years ago

What in the Feck are you people doing?? I hope you DO realize that our entire country, are watching you.. very.. VERY closely. Please stop with the nonsense and the disrespect. The country knows that Kari LAKE won… and she won by a lot!! And unless you are INTENTIONALLY trying to create MISTRUST between the people, and our elected representatives.. I would suggest that you get this done.. and get it done NOW! We The People of this United States, demand that you do your duty, and provide the service and results. That you were “elected” to do.

Feel free to drop them an email, give them a call. Demand that our public servants (EMPLOYEES) do THE JOB that you the Citizen (EMPLOYER), expect from them, and have reasonable expectation to receive in a timely and effective manner.

Link to original article here.

Link to The Charlie Kirk Show below ⬇️

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