Spring Auto CAUGHT LYING To Clients About Contents Of Loan Agreement

1 year ago

Sponsored By ReduceMyDebtByThousands.com, To Get Out Of Debt Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible Watch This Video But Don't Forget To Complain:

To join the mission for the people to reclaim our Birth Certificate Bonds / Birthright simply send the following complaint to:

Fairstone email: Fairstone610027@fairstone.ca

And cc it to UnitedWeStandPeople@gmail.com

(To officially be placed in the group actively pursuing our Birth Certificate Bond make sure to cc it or we won't know you sent it)

Copy and paste the following Complaint:

I am a concerned citizen.

I just watched the video UnitedWeStandPeople.com Public Investigations produced featuring George Ferraro claiming you do not have to operate in accordance to canadian law by proving you own the debt you are attempting to collect on.

Why can't your organization prove they are still the rightful owners of the debt you are trying to collect on?

Your organization should not be attempting fraud on your clients.


Watch This Video That Pertains To The Above Complaint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQBco...

Here are some more helpful links:
Meet Your Straw Man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbq4a...

Many links proving Banks buy and sell debt:

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