DOs and DON'Ts for the 11-11 manifestation portal

1 year ago

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About Erika:
Erika began her journey in the field of naturopathy, clinical nutrition and vibrational medicine focusing primarily on the physical body and discovered very quickly that her clients' physical ailments mirrored her own healing experience, and almost always had an origin in emotional or spiritual discord. From there, she quickly expanded into the field of conscious parenting as a way to empower parents to raise children in a manner that transforms the unconscious and ancestral patterns that have the potential to later manifest in emotional patterns and physical disease.

Having spent the last several years traveling the globe, speaking to audiences of thousands of people about health, science and research, Erika's work is now shifting back into what the collective consciousness is yearning for ..... true healing, meaning, and living an abundant life free from fear and limitations.

Using a blend of naturopathy, energy healing, spiritual counseling, channeling and intuitive guidance, Erika's expertise spans multiple disciplines, which share the same common thread ~ applying universal consciousness and principles to all aspects of life. To your health, within your family and your children, in your intimate love relationship, and to your soul.

Erika has written for The New York Times, and appeared on The Ricki Lake Show, The Insider, Entertainment Tonight and NBC’s Today Show online. She has been a regularly featured health and parenting expert on San Diego News 6 and Fox 5 San Diego and has been a guest on several national radio shows. Erika is a naturopath trained in clinical nutrition, biofeedback, essential oils, homeopathy, vibrational medicine, applied kinesiology, flower essences, Aura Soma therapy, and energy psychology. She has a B.A. from Harvard and an M.B.A. from Babson College.

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