An upgrade for Atreus | God of War Ragnarök #7

2 years ago

Welcome back to God of War Ragnarök! We have made it to the dwarves' realm and done a little exploring around and marveling at the engineering only dwarves are capable of. While it is nice and warm here, Mimir states that Fimbulwinter is still having its effects on the realm. While not making it cold, it is taking the normal environment's climate and taking it to the extreme. Our goal is to search for a dwarf named Durlin who is supposed to have some connection to Týr. But upon arriving at the dwarven city of Nidavellir, we seem to be unwelcome guests. While not hostile, the dwarves seem scared of us, which could make our mission that much harder.

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Thanks for watching, KirbyJuan.

Hey you, yea you with the eyes and reading these words, what're ya doing down here?

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