"Live Long & Prosper" - The Arcturians

2 years ago

Here is a blog link.

Here's what the Arcturians wrote via my fingers.

We are the Arcturians that come to speak with you today. We are one consciousness of many who inhabit this planet whether we are acknowledged at this point in your time or not. But, yes, that is about to change in the near future. There will be no denying of facts. We, and others, feel the time has come to more aggressively intervene to propel growth in society and what is called the human race. Although we do honor free will, and cannot stop everything deemed negative from happening, we can more clearly and distinctly guide the populace in a more love encompassing direction. We first sent our channel the thought, “Live long and prosper” because that is what we indeed wish for humanity. Too many cultures and eras have disappeared due to mismanagement. Although you are the true leaders for yourselves, we can still more strongly nudge you into a higher vibratory rate that omits hatred, judgment, jealousy, etc. We ALL are of the One. The feeling of separateness from not only the Source but also your neighbors is causing much damage. Ego will be your downfall if you continue to follow that as your God/Source. The me-ness prevalent in today’s earthly society is extremely detrimental. It’s time to think and care about others more than what temporarily makes one happy. For that happiness is always short lived anyway because it’s ego joy and not soul joy...soul love. Compassion is everything. We believe that ALL should live long and prosper. And, yes, there are some others who do not see things as we do. But, we hold them in the light and know the light will eventually overcome any darkness. There is always hope for anyone and anything to be redeemed. With this message, we must depart for this moment. Peace. Blessings.

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