Veterans Day - Transporting Girls for Abortion - Do We Forgive the Government?

2 years ago

Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Friday, November 10, 2022 - Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop – Veterans Day

INTRO – Biden Admin Will Transport Young Girls Across State Lines for Abortions... Mary Owens from the Susan B Anthony List joins us.
And – If we have to forgive our brother 70x7... What about our BIG brother? Mary Cuff weighs in on the BIG Govt!
Also – Shaun Rice – the SA Market

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What’s Concerning Us? – Mary Owens – Communications Director at the SBA
The Midterm shakedown... how much did abortion play a role?
Mass. Repub Gov – Abortion?
Biden Admin transporting young girls across state lines for abortion
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services issued a new guidance for the Office of Refugee Resettlement, instructing government officials to locate unaccompanied pregnant teens in abortion states and transport others across state lines to obtain an abortion. Even though the Hyde Amendment prohibits HHS from paying for abortions, the Biden administration is using taxpayer funds to facilitate abortion.
Pre-Election messaging on abortion
Democrats took the opportunity and ran with it, spending $391 million on abortion-focused TV ads alone during the general election, versus just $11 million on the GOP side, a 35:1 spending ratio. Yet for those candidates who went on offense, the astonishing amount of money did not prevail.
Soon after the decision in June, Democratic Party committees invested in detailed polling, hoping to drill down on what exact messaging worked best. There was a clear conclusion: The most potent messaging for Democrats was to keep the conversation broad by casting Republicans as supporting a national ban on abortion, and avoid a discussion over the details about gestational week limits.
“Debating weeks is not where we want to be,” said Celinda Lake, the longtime Democratic pollster who conducted some of the surveys. “People are terrible at math and terrible at biology.”

Guest Seg. - Mary Cuff – Forgiving BIG Brother – Crisis Mag

2nd Guest Seg. - Shaun Rice – SA Market

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