2 years ago

Welcome to my channel. My name is Ahmed and I'm an ambitious 23 year old who's main priority is to buy my mom a mansion.

I consider myself successful in all aspects of life except financially. Although my income is within the top 25% of earners I am still far from where I want to be and where I believe I could be.

One of my favorite rules and philosophies that I live by is to "Give more than you take." and here is my commitment to you: I will give you more than you can expect.

This lecture is about one of the biggest contributing factors of my success so far. My character, morales, principles, and ethics all have to do with challenging myself. I enjoy stepping outside of my comfort zone because It not only allows me to learn new things, but it also allows me to experience life from a new perspective.

My goal with this channel is to

1. document my growth therefore giving you insight on how somebody can make it from rags to riches

2. Help a larger community of people to become highly ambitious and strong men

3. To make enough money to buy my mom that mansion I promised her.

I want my parents to see my success before they depart

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