Intro to Blender lecture 02

2 years ago

00:00 Intro
00:38 Duplicate OBJ vs instance
04:19 X-Ray mode when making selections
07:44 Bevel Vertices
08:38 Bevel and adjusting using the Review Panel
09:51 Symmetrize
11:00 Modifiers and nondestructive workflow
11:18 Mirror Modifier
13:39 Subdivide and Discussion on Hard Surface objects
16:25 Mark Sharp in Edit mode
19:00 Recap on enabling Add Ons
19:35 Bool Tool Recap
22:09 Switching to Rendered View
22:19 Adding A Sun light to the scene
22:57 Changing the timeline panel to the Shader Editor
24:54 Bevel Node tree explained
27:13 Multiple Objects joined together with Bool Tool: Union
28:22 Array Modifier
30:05 Array Modifier combined with the Curve Modifier
37:38 Overlays settings and Normals
39:21 ALT N or OPTION N to Flip Normals also Recalculate outside

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