The RAW DEAL (7 November, 2022) (corrected video/audio file)

1 year ago

Today may be the first day of the end of the world as we know it, where the US/NATO seem determined to provoke a nuclear war with Russia. I suspect the Democrats want this for two reasons: First, to impose martial law to prevent the occurrence of the midterm elections tomorrow; Second, because in the past Americans have supported Presidents in office when the nation goes to war. They may therefore believe there are multiple benefits to them POLITICALLY from provoking war with Russia EVEN AT THE EXPENSE of the nation. THIS IS TREASON. We will know by tomorrow. Stand by! The US has sent 1,000 Abrams tanks to Europe as well as 35-45,000 troops. Plus F-15s to Romania. And in the meanwhile, National Guard cyber security in 14 states to protect against election theft. Glenn Greenwald has also blown the cover on the Paul Pelosi story, which is intended to conceal the gay sex acts he was engaged in with David DePape, who is a left-wing extremist and not a MAGA man. The "hammer" was a hefty dildo shaped like a hammer, available via The idea of an amnesty for those who demonized anti-vaxxers has met with ridicule and derision--and appropriately so! George Will even suggests that the Democrats should abandon both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, again, for good reason. Remarkable. It will almost certainly be Trump/DeSantis who prevail in 2024.

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