Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (Christopher Browning)

2 years ago

In these strange days of violent medical apartheid and state-organized hatred directed at those who will not comply with criminally insane dictates, Christopher Browning's classic work on how ordinary men end up participating in mass killing has taken on fresh relevance. Forewarned is forearmed; make ready. (This article was first published November 2, 2018.)

The written, original version of this article can be found here: https://theworthyhouse.com/2018/11/02/ordinary-men-reserve-police-battalion-101-and-the-final-solution-in-poland-christopher-r-browning/

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"It seems to me that we in the West are like men in a cavern, out of which lead many paths, none signposted. Some paths lead to bright futures, but other paths lead to terrible ones, among them those where, once again as we did not so very long ago, we slaughter each other over ideology. And the way back is closed, so we must choose one path forward. The service of this book is that it illustrates Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s dictum, that the line between good and evil runs through every human heart. Thus, reflecting upon this book may help us choose the correct exit from the cavern, and to that end, it is worth bearing the unease that comes over us when we read books like this." . . .

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