Spring Green, Wisconsin - Steven Snyder | House On The Rock, Taliesin Murders, and Occult Architects

2 years ago

Steven Snyder aka Recluse joins us to share his research into the quaint and unassuming Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wisconsin has recently drawn attention due to the Netflix series depicting the heinous acts of Jeffery Dahmer, it may surprise you to find out that Dahmer is not alone in Wisconsin's strange and bloody history. Frank Lloyd Wright, and Alex Jordan Jr. may have been the architects of more than mere buildings, Recluse draws connections between the Taliesin Murders and Celtic Rituals, yes we're talking about possible sacrifices to ancient gods, but don't forget the Gardens of Sprites. In this head-spinning episode we discover that Wisconsin may be a hotbed for esoteric ritual groups, practicing arcane rituals and reviving a dark form of Celtic paganism that may have influenced the Neopagan scene all atop the ancient ruins of the mound builders, this is synchro-mysticism applied, Recluse does not disappoint drawing in the Rosicrucians, Seyler Family, Berenburg Bank, Order of St. Norbert, The Franciscan Monks, The White Chapel Club, The Liars Club, The largest UFO hotpot in the world? and Neopagan Starwood Discordian groups all long the 42nd parallel 'The Psychic Highway' in Wisconsin.

Find more from Steven Snider here: https://www.patreon.com/thefarmpodcastII

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Roman's Podcast: https://altmediaunited.com/rising-ft-ashes/ RSS/XML Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/risingfromtheashes/feed.xml

Mark and Tara's Podcast: https://myfamilythinksimcrazy.com/ RSS Feed: https://feeds.transistor.fm/my-family-thinks-im-crazy

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