run from day to night As expected of you--I'm so delicate and fat🐷 running with my dog

2 years ago

Making a running partner out of your pet can be great. If you learn how to train your dog correctly, you’ll be improving your health, happiness, and your special bond… for both of you!
Build up slowly to your ideal run. Just like humans, dogs need to acclimatise to levels of exercise. You could also research your dog’s breed to discover exactly what kind of running they might enjoy: you never know, they might just inspire you to achieve a marathon with time!
How to train your dog to run with you
Brown and white Jack Russell Terrier on a red lead running with owner.
Dog Exercise
Running With Your Dog
3 min read
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Pet Care Articles and Advice
Making a running partner out of your pet can be great. If you learn how to train your dog correctly, you’ll be improving your health, happiness, and your special bond… for both of you!
Build up slowly to your ideal run. Just like humans, dogs need to acclimatise to levels of exercise. You could also research your dog’s breed to discover exactly what kind of running they might enjoy: you never know, they might just inspire you to achieve a marathon with time!

Why run with your dog?
There’s a whole host of research that tells us how great running can be for your health. It prevents helps obesity, helps you to get fit, and it can increase your stamina. It’s even been shown to lift your mood. And it doesn’t require an expensive gym membership either.

What’s good for you is also great for you dog: it’ll also help them to lose weight if their body condition isn’t ideal, build muscle, and keep healthy. Keeping your dog fit and healthy is the best way to avoid expensive vet bills in the future. It’s also fantastic for your dog’s mood: most dogs are built to run (albeit some breeds more than others). They all enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the outdoors, and time spent pounding the pavement with you will always be time well spent in your pet’s mind.

If you’ve noticed destructive behaviours creeping in, jogging with your dog might be a solution. Active breeds that are kept indoors for long periods of time can become bored, which may result in a bad behaviour. Keeping their mind and body active will help to get rid of that pent-up energy, and it’ll also build a great bond between the pair of you.

How to train your dog to run with you_______
Owner running alongside Jack Russell Terrier.
There’s no one schedule that you should use for running with dogs: tailor the exercise to both you and your pet’s initial capabilities, and build up slowly. It’s also good to talk to your vet before beginning any exercise regime.

Before you begin running with your dog you should make sure that they’re capable of the exercise, they don’t have any pre-existing health problems which running might exacerbate, and that they only run for as long as their stamina naturally allows.

Start with a short, 10-minute run somewhere familiar for your dog.
Increase your distance gradually over a number of weeks.
Your dog should be panting, but not winded, during your runs.
Don’t get so out of breath that you can’t give them commands!

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