Bible: People of God: You were set free – for freedom!

2 years ago

The God of the Bible is a God that hates slavery and loves freedom, in fact he is a God of freedom.
Take a look at Jeremiah chapter 31, verse 31, and Isaiah chapter 53, and chapter 54!

Jeremiah and Isaiah promised a new covenant, Habrit Hadashah. It was already visible in the old covenant, but it’s explicitly stated in the new covenant that God is anti-slavery and he’s against all forms of tyranny. You should not lazily sit down under any kind of tyranny or slavery especially not communism or Satanic globalism!

Yahweh is an anti-slavery God, that means he’s against all kinds of slavery from the Democrat southern Confederates that always hated America and wanted to exploit america, Americans, and the system for themselves, all the way to USSR and China communism, all the way to Egypt and all the way to modern liberal fascism - Because that’s exactly what liberalism is. Winston Churchill warned us for the next time fascism comes it will pretend to be in the name of freedom and love, and he was 100% correct.

Liberalism has always been a form of collectivism and authoritarianism. The reason why they SEEMED like rebels in the 60s was because they are so contrary to the normal American system. Yes Nazis in the midst of America are “rebellious” but that’s only because they’re essentially an outside hostile force. In reality liberals, leftists, Marxists is what they are, they are collectivist hyper obedient authoritarians. The modern liberal tyranny is just the final expression of a long movement, along effort on their part to get power and keep it forever if they can.

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