LAST CHANCE Q - [The 2nd Install ] with Coach JB & Sean Salisbury

2 years ago

"Last Chance Q" with Sean Salisbury covers the latest NFL news and analysis. Hear from Coach JB and Sean Salisbury about what it takes to be a successful NFL quarterback. Each week on "Last Chance Q," you'll get the latest insights and intel on the NFL, from the expert perspective of former NFL QB Sean Salisbury and coach Jason Brown. Tune in to hear all the latest news and interviews with NFL stars, current & past legends as well as expert analysis and advice from Jason Brown. This is your opportunity to learn from one of the biggest names in the NFL coaching world!

This 2nd Install is brought to you by & DVSport.

Pre-Snap Read:
Jeff Saturday's Press Conference Take
7 Rules Of Coaching
Talkers Vs. Doers
Correction Is Not Criticism!

1st & 10:
Pete Carroll Vs. Nick Saban?
Loyalty Vs. Money | Verlander becomes free agent after winning Super Bowl today

3rd & Long:
Athletes playing QB Vs. QB's Being Athletic! Why is the coaching different? Ideology etc?
Thrower Vs. Passer? Explain it

2 Minute Drill:
Tendency Breakdown

Post Snap Read: (Where do they rank/Let's Rank them)
Why has Kyler Murray Regressed this season vs last season (FIlm)

But What do we know?
Is there enought good football players in America to sustain 4 leagues? NFL/CFL/XFL/USFL?

Eye in the sky don't lie!
We breakdown 4 Players

Brought to you by DVSport the premier video editing software used by the NFL & NCAA.
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IG: @realcoachjb & @theseansalisbury
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