[세비라] '백년 동안의 바보', 독일은 언제 철이 들 것인가?

2 years ago

[세상의 비밀을 들려주는 라디오]

후원 계좌: KEB 하나은행 298-810284-72907 (신항식)

# Rumble 채널명
Hangsik - https://rumble.com/account/content?ty...

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-Ratenau W. (1922), Zur Kritik der Zeit, Germany: S. Fischer
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-Gordon H. M. (1976), ‘Rapallo Reexamined: a new look at Germany's secret military collaboration with Russia in 1922.’ Journal of Military History, 40/3
-Bowring B. (2017), Yevgeniy Pashukanis, His Law and Marxism: A General Theory, and the 1922 Treaty of Rapallo between Soviet Russia and Germany, Journal of the History of International Law 19
-Hanighen F. C. (1939), ‘Brown Bolshevism’, The Atlantic, April Issue 1939

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