Whatever Happened To The Human Race? (1979)

2 years ago

Whatever Happened To The Human Race? (1979) | Full Movie

Vision Video

May 19, 2020
This crucial series is narrated by the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer and former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop. Today, choices are being made that undermine human rights at their most basic level. Practices once considered unthinkable are now acceptable - abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. The destruction of human life, young and old, is being sanctioned on an ever-increasing scale by the medical profession, by the courts, by parents and by silent Christians. The five episodes in this series examine the sanctity of life as a social, moral and spiritual issue which the Christian must not ignore.

Part 1: Abortion of the Human Race looks at issues in modern society that are leading to the erosion of the sanctity of human life, in particular abortion which is the keystone.

In Part 2: The Slaughter of Innocents, Dr. Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop explore the infanticide of newborns with disabling birth defects, and the moral and sociological implications of such a practice. In this session viewers are encouraged to reach out and speak out against infanticide.

In Part 3: Death by Someone's Choice Dr. Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop look at theory and practice of euthanasia. Viewers are encouraged to compile a list of practical steps that will show concern for human life "from conception to natural death."

In Part 4: The Basis for Human Dignity Dr. Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop explore the nature and inadequacy of materialistic humanism and the search for a different world view. The early chapters of the book of Genesis are looked to for providing this different world view.

In Part 5: Truth and History, Dr. Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop present the Christian alternative as the only real solution to man's problems. Hope for humanity rests on a serious commitment to God and the reliability of His word, the Bible.

Director: Franky Schaeffer V
Starring: Michael Hordern

Reading List
*Abortion Rational Look Emotional Issue
*Case for Life Equipping Christians
*Fighting for Life Becoming a Force
*Gosnell Untold Story America's Most
*The Hand of God Bernard Nathanson
*Pro-Life Answers Pro-Choice Arguments
*Unplanned Dramatic True Story
*What Bible Says about Abortion
*Why Pro-Life? Caring Unborn Mothers
*Won by Love by Norma McCorvey
*You Carried Me: A Daughter's Memoir

Abortion Matrix (3:16:48)

Alison's Choice (1:31:24)

Conceived in Rape (22:12)

Conceived Rape Other Exceptions (58:33)

Deadly Choice (55:10)

Former Abortionists (25:34)

Life After Abortion (1:46:08)

Operation Rescue (31:10)

Philippines' Baby Factory (25:45)

The Stranger Season 1 Episode 6 (29:58)

Voice of John (1:43:33)

Voiceless (1:41:53)

Whatever Happened Human Race (3:59:35)

Abortion/Pro-Life Odysee

Abortion/Pro-Life Rumble

Abortion/Pro-Life YouTube

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